Informação adicional
Peso | 0,900 kg |
Dimensões | 15 × 10 × 3 cm |
Cor | Cor |
A EliteTech é especializada no fornecimento de peças e equipamentos para soluções de alto desempenho.
Nossos produtos passam por um rigoroso processo de revisão, diagnósticos e testes, garantindo qualidade e tranquilidade aos nossos clientes.
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Produto recondicionado, zero horas, em perfeito estado de uso (100% de saúde).
Garantia: 03 meses.
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Model number: ST3146855SS
Model Name: Cheetah 15K.5
Form Factor(width): 3.5-inch
Physical Specifications
Weight: 0.68 kg
Formatted Capacity: 146 Gbytes
Transfer Rates
Internal Transfer Rate (min): 685 Mbits/sec
Internal Transfer Rate (max): 1,142 Mbits/sec
Formatted Int Transfer Rate (min): 85.6 MBytes/sec
Formatted Int Transfer Rate (max): 142.7 MBytes/sec
External (I/O) Transfer Rate (max): 300 MBytes/sec
Seek Times
Average Seek Time, Read: 3.5 msec typical
Average Seek Time, Write: 4 msec typical
Track-to-Track Seek, Read: 0.2 msec typical
Track-to-Track Seek, Write: 0.4 msec typical
Full Disc Seek, Read: 7.4 msec typical
Full Disc Seek, Write: 7.9 msec typical
Average Latency: 2 msec
Spindle Speed: 15K RPM
Spinup Time: 20 sec
Power-on to Ready Time: 3 sec
Number of Discs (physical): 4
Number of Heads (physical): 8
Total Cylinders: 50,864
Total Tracks: 406,912
Bytes Per Sector: 512
Track Density (TPI): 85,000 tracks/inch
Recording Density (BPI, max): 628,000 bits/inch
Bytes/Track (avg): 471,916
Recording Components
Electrical Requirements
Typical Current (12VDC +/- 5%): 1.17 amps
Startup Current (12VDC +/- 5%): 2.86 amps
Typical Current (5VDC +/- 5%): 1.12 amps
Startup Current (5VDC +/- 5%): 1.7 amps
Idle Power (typ): 14.34 watts
Environmental Specifications
Shock and Vibration
Max Operating Shock (2-msec): 65 Gs
Max Nonoperating Shock (2-msec): 250 Gs
Operating Vibration (max): 0.5 Gs
Nonoperating Vibration (max): 2 Gs
Temperature and Humidity
Operating Temperature (max): 55 deg C
Operating Temperature (min): 5 deg C
Nonoperating Temperature (max): 70 deg C
Nonoperating Temperature (min): -40 deg C
Operating Temperature Change (max): 20 deg C/hr
Nonoperating Temperature Change (max): 20 deg C/hr
Operating Humidity (max): 95 percent
Nonoperating Humidity (max): 95 percent
Operating Humidity Change (max): 20 percent per hour
Operating Wet Bulb Temp (max): 28 deg C
Operating Altitude (max): 3,048 m
Operating Altitude (min): -305 m
Nonoperating Altitude (max): 12,210 m
Nonoperating Altitude (min): -305 m
Acoustics, Idle (sound power, typ): 3.6 Bels
Supports S.M.A.R.T.: Yes
R$ 692,00
Crédito sujeito a aprovação.
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Compartilhar com :
Peso | 0,900 kg |
Dimensões | 15 × 10 × 3 cm |
Cor | Cor |
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